About Me

  • HTML
  • Git
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • SCSS
  • Figma
  • Javascript
  • Heroku
  • Webpack
  • UX/UI
  • WebGL
  • Ruby
  • RubyRails
  • CSS Grid
  • PostgreSQL
  • Adobe
  • JSON

Hey ! I am Hugo Farrugia,

I have spent the last 10 years working in the retail industry, starting as a golf instructor and ending up as a lead trainer in a large group.

For those 10 fast-paced years, my driving force was the challenge and passion to learn, to push my limits, and to grow the business. To find the solution that would allow us to go further, from a technical point of view but especially human.

Today, digital technology is taking more and more place in our busy lives. A lot of fascinating projects arise every day, and I want to part in them. My passion for software lies with dreaming up ideas and making them come true with elegant interfaces. i take great care in the experience, architecture, and code quality of the things I build.

If you see where I’m going with this, let’s talk...

My Work

To be honest, I'm a junior, so I would like to show you several projects, but that's not the case yet:

Deployment of scalable hybrid web and mobile applications for restaurant tips, rentals and a grid builder.

Finally I expect only one thing, to be able to collaborate on more new projects, and I am excited in advance!

Tip.me APP

If you wonder, when you are in a restaurant, where your tips goes, look at this! This was the final 2 weeks project during Le Wagon Bootcamp

VS Code - Ruby - Html - Scss - Javascript - Heroku - Github

Featured Project

Petbnb APP

The petbnb project allows you to go on vacation by renting an apartment or a house with the owners' animals. The prices are obviously more interesting than a model like airbnb.

VS Code  Ruby  Html  Scss  Javascript  Heroku  Github

Featured Project

CSS Grid Builder

CSS GRID BUILDER will help you to make your next website! It is really simple & easy to use. Jump Straight in :)

VS Code - Html - Scss - CSS - Javascript - Markdown - Github


Remote, Switzerland

▸ Full-time intensive coding Bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, ES6, SQL, and 3rd-party services (Heroku, Cloudinary, Algolia, etc...).
▸ Product building mindset, UX/UI basics, wireframing on Figma. Collaboration workflows on git / GitHub.
▸ Designed, implemented, and shipped to production a clone of Airbnb and Rails prototypes.

Meyrin, Switzerland

▸ Responsible for the Crew Trainer team, analyze the needs of the restaurant related to training. Set objectives and ensure follow-up. Facilitate meetings and individual interviews (performance reviews). Implement the "mentoring project".
▸ Project: Create the training plan for the "LIFT Project" at the initiative of the Canton of Geneva.
▸ Skills: Performance Reviews · Structured Interviews · Leading Meetings · Project Management · Corporate Strategy

Meyrin, Switzerland

▸ Define the project objectives
▸ Break down the project and define the task list
▸ Define the logical sequence of tasks
▸ Define and allocate resources
▸ Plan and monitor the project
▸ Realize the business plan (market research, visual identity and storytelling, communication and marketing strategy, budgets, financial forecast and tables, investors research)
▸ Fund raising (2.1M.-)

Contact Me

What's next?

I’m interested & looking for any new opportunities,
especialy exciting project. If you had any questions, feel free to ask,
or let’s take a moment to talk !

divi discount